ROI Calculator - HSPK
Estimate your Return on Investment (ROI) when using a High Stakes Pitch Kit
Does the High Stakes Pitch Kit (HSPK) offer enough ROI for your situation? Do you need to justify the investment to your boss?
Use the calculator below by:
1) Honestly assessing your team's pitch challenges
2) Entering the expected revenue for this contract / project being pitched
3) Entering your expected margin for this contract / project
(Important: the calculator does not collect or see these numbers or your contact info)
The Net Present Value (NPV) estimates the total value of using the HSPK in this situation.
[calculated as 'Increased likelihood of winning * Revenue * Margin']
The Return on Investment (ROI) estimates your return on your HSPK purchase
[calculated as '(NPV-HSPK price)/HSPK price']